Get a chance to win full access to our Premium Course with this challenge

We're thrilled to announce an exciting challenge that’s sure to spark your creativity and coding skills!

The Challenge: Create Your Own First-Person Action Game following our newst tutorial and add your own twist to it

We've just released the first part of our tutorial series on our YouTube channel, guiding you through the creation of a first-person action game. The tutorial is segmented into three parts, with each part releasing weekly. Part 1 is available now!

How to Participate?

  1. Watch the Tutorial: Start by watching the first part of our tutorial series here. Make sure to follow each subsequent release. Each part will be release after a week.

  2. Join Our Discord: To enter the challenge, register on our Discord server here and head over to the #create-a-game-challenge-2024 channel.

  3. Post Your Progress: Share your game development journey in the challenge channel. This is a great opportunity to receive feedback from fellow challengers and our expert instructors.

📅 Challenge Timeline:

  • Start Date: Now! Get a head start by watching Part 1 of the tutorial.

  • End Date: March 31, 2024. Make sure to complete your game by this date to be eligible for the prizes.

🏆 Win Big! The best submissions will be meticulously reviewed by our team. Winners will be awarded exclusive full access to our Action Game Course. This comprehensive course covers everything you need to know about creating a game from scratch using industry best practices.

How you will be qualified?

Remember to not just follow the tutorial but add your own twist into the project! We want you to have flexibility to create something that is also fun to create for you. The tutorial will serve as a base but we want to see what you can add into your project using the skills you learnt in this Tutorial.

We can’t wait to see your submissions! Good luck and have fun!


$450 Prize Pool Game Jam Announced