Stage 3 announced!

We are very excited to introduce you to our new game called Stage 3!

What is it?

Stage 3 is a third person rogue-like game combined with some action elements and RPG systems.

Core concept

  • Modular sections get created infinitely.
  • You will encounter traps and enemies.
  • The game has en RPG system, you will have stats like Attack, Speed, Attack speed, HP, MP and so on.
  • You will also get titles as your character progresses. Get new skills and buy new items in the store.
  • Inside the store you will be able to buy a lot of different upgrades for your character like armours, weapons, new animations, titles and consumable items.
  • There is also an upgrade system similar to MMORPG games where you can upgrade your weapon to +1/+2, etc. And there is also a new enchantment system to make your weapons and armour unique which we will go in more detail as the time goes.

As the game progresses we will give more information about the concept and our vision for the game. For now, we are making a Dev Diary to keep you guys updated with more gameplay progress and the art side of the project!





Creating rocks for Stage 3!


Dev Diary - 1: Introducing the Hoverbike!